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Clovis West High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Instrumental Music

Since opening in 1976, Clovis West High School has been committed to providing and maintaining a quality music program. The Clovis West Instrumental Music Department offers experiences in Marching Band, Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz, Percussion Ensemble, Winter Percussion, & Winter guard. The Clovis West High School Band has traveled throughout the United States and Canada performing at the Bands of America National Concert Band Festival in 1998 and 2010, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1989, 1995, & 2000, Disney World, the Fiesta Bowl, Hawaii, Washington D.C., Vancouver, B.C. and the Pacific Northwest. The Clovis West High School Marching Band is an 18-time Bands of America Regional Finalist, an 11-Time AAA Class Champion and was the 2010 BOA St. George and 2016 BOA San Jose Regional Champion. Clovis West performing ensembles have consistently been recognized for a high level of achievement in performance.

Zoe Cohen, Director - Instrumental Music
Brendan Lockie, Director - Instrumental Music 
Duncan Smith, Director - Instrumental Music
Mike Malatesta, Director - Percussion
Jennifer Harrington, Director - Color Guard
Grace Sledd, Director - Jazz Band

Instrumental Music Annual Calendar

Join the Band Alumni Game
For questions email Zoe: