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Clovis West High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


Parents/guardians may report a student's absence by:

  1. By Phone
    Call (559) 327-2251 or (559) 327-2082 Spanish Line to report the absence.

  2. Through Parent Connection
    Log in to Parent Connection and report the absence. Detailed instructions are downloadable below.

Off Campus Passes:      

  • If you are picking up your student during the school day for any reason, please call 3 hours in advance to have your student pick up their pass in the main office. (Excluding seniors with off campus lunch passes)
  • It is the student's responsibility to pick up their off-campus pass for the pre-arranged appointment.  We do not send a reminder of deliver passes to class.  
  • Your student must pick up their pass and check out at the attendance office before leaving.  If they do not check out with us, their absence will be considered unexcused.  NO EXPECTIONS!
  • To minimize classroom interruptions and to maintain a positive learning environment, messages to classrooms are limited to the first and last 5 minutes of class.

Attendance Regulations and Procedures:

  • State Law requires all students to attend school daily.  Acceptable excuses which allow work to be made up include the following:
  1. Legitimate illness           
  2. Medical appointment
  3. Court appearance 
  4. Bereavement
  5. School-related activity
  • Absences must be cleared by telephone or Parent Connect only by the student’s parent or legal guardian.  Doctor’s notes are welcome and encouraged and must be submitted no later than 5 days from the excused day of absence.  Parent’s notes are not accepted.  Please keep in mind that our automated calling system calls for one or more uncleared periods.  
  • You have up to FIVE (5) school days to clear an absence.  
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for absences to be cleared.  
  • If your student is marked absent from a single period and you believe this to be an error, please contact the teacher directly.   For all day absence questions, please call the attendance office. 
  • Absences not cleared within 24 hours will prompt a call from our automated calling system.  Uncleared absences are considered unexcused and could lead to receiving a Truancy Letter in Accordance with Education Code section 48260.5.  Under the law, schools must continue to track all absences and report them to the state.  Policy 2207 states, “A pupil whose absence is not excused is not entitled to complete assignments, or other class work missed due to the absence”. 
  • Absences uncleared after 24 hours may be considered truant.   Uncleared/unverified absences or truancy will result in appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to Saturday School and/or detention being assigned.

If your child needs to leave early from school:

  • For your convenience and to serve you and your student better, we request you call 3 hours ahead for all passes.  
  • To avoid delays and minimize interruption to the classroom, please remind your student to come to the main office to pick up their off-campus pass before attending the class they need to leave from.  Reminders are not given and passes are not delivered. 
  • Your student must pick up their pass and check out at the attendance office before leaving.  If they do not check out with us, their absence will be considered unexcused.   No Exceptions
  • Be aware of your student’s schedule when making appointments.  Expect delays when picking up from P.E. class or during testing if you have not called ahead or your student did not pick up their pass.   
  • Due to the Clovis Unified closed campus policy all 9th,10th, 11th, and senior students who do not have a senior off-campus lunch pass must be physically picked up and signed out by their parent/guardian.  This applies to all students leaving the main office during the hour of 12:37 pm – 1:15 pm on a regular schedule or ½ hour before and during the lunch period for varied schedules.

If your child arrives late to school:

  • Late arrivals without a legitimate excuse must check in at the front office before heading to class.  
  •  If you have a doctors note please provide or your student will be unexcused tardy for that period.

You may request an off-campus pass or admit slip for late arrival by submitting a request through parent connect (report and absence) or by calling our 24-hour attendance number at 559-327-2251.  Please leave your name, student’s name and ID number and the reason for leaving or late arrival.

      Spanish Line 559-327-2082.  

      Hmong Line 559-327-2119