All items can now be purchased through RevTrak.
Contact the Athletics Office @ 327-2101
Activities Pass Includes
Free admission for one student to all 2024-2025 athletic home games.
(Excluding: Tournaments & CIF playoffs/finals).
$5.00 discount to Winter Formal and Prom.
COST is $100 for Activities Pass.
Spirit Packs are no longer available for the 24-25 school year.
The deadline has passed to purchase the 24-2025 yearbook.
The mission of the Foundation is to better serve and support our student population in the co-curricular programs in which they participate and compete.
The Foundation provides a financial support base through ongoing fundraisers for all students’ co-curricular activities that, by their nature, are non-revenue producing.
Click here to be directed to the Foundation West Website for MORE information
This year student DIGITAL ID Cards will be accessible through the Q!
Open Q Student Connect, click login in the top right corner, and there is a drop down menu. Click Student ID to access it and scroll down to see your picture and barcode.
This year, we will be using Student Connect to access digital Student ID cards. If your student would like a physical ID card, they can stop by the Activities Office anytime between 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. with $5.00 cash to purchase.
Counselor Appointment Sheet 2024-25.pdf
Activities Calendar 2024-2025...pdf
Click Here for Additional Dress Code Information
Clovis West Yearbook Senior Ads 2025 by Kenny Gilman
Student pages or business advertising
Be sure to reserve your tribute page early as space is limited! First come, first served.
Full Page: $300.00 (8.5 X 11 inches)
Half Page: $185.00 (8.5 X 5.5 inches)
Quarter Page:$105.00 (4.25 X 5.5 inches)
If you have additional questions about a senior ad, you may contact Kenny Gilman directly at or by calling the studio at 297-9042.
Example of Full Page
Seniors will NOT have off campus access until the 3rd week of school. Seniors will be able to leave campus beginning on Tuesday, September 3rd as long as permission click link is completed by parents.
Clovis West High School SENIOR OFF-CAMPUS PASS
Parent Permission Request:
The student named below has permission to go off campus during the lunch period as authorized by the Clovis Unified School District Board of Trustees.
We understand that this off-campus may be revoked at any time for any or all students at the discretion of the school administration.
Underclassmen may not accompany seniors off-campus during the lunch period.
Any senior wanting to leave campus during the lunch period must turn in this completed off-campus permission form signed by their parent/guardian and by the student. Seniors who turn in this form and are granted permission to participate in Off Campus Lunch will receive a special ID card that must be shown to school personnel as they leave campus.
Seniors who are leaving campus at lunch must do the following:
Click here for Permission Click link: Senior Off-Campus Permission